@Plasticbluemusic do you listen to any podcasts perhaps?🤔
@Plasticbluemusic do you listen to any podcasts perhaps?
@Plasticbluemusic do you listen to any podcasts perhaps?
@BeAware @Plasticbluemusic I used to. Too busy to anymore. I dred seeing how mani episodes I’ve missed. Why do you ask?
@BeAware @Plasticbluemusic I used to. Too busy to anymore. I dred seeing how mani episodes I’ve missed. Why do you ask?
@Plasticbluemusic there's a really cool stuff being worked on by podcastindex.org and if you search for a podcast using that website, then get the podcast ID from the URL, which is a string of numbers, then you can use that string of numbers to follow your favorite podcast from mastodon and get new episode announcements right on your feed.
For example, if I wanted to follow the wrestling podcast Something to Wrestle with, I'd follow @775777