My brother is sleeping over his friends house tonight, I wonder if my mom will watch Wicked with me.
My brother is sleeping over his friends house tonight, I wonder if my mom will watch Wicked with me.
My brother is sleeping over his friends house tonight, I wonder if my mom will watch Wicked with me.
@Thatmermaid_J I'd watch it with you but i may as well be on the other side of the planet so...unfortunately the logistics wouldn't work out. Lol.
@Thatmermaid_J I'd watch it with you but i may as well be on the other side of the planet so...unfortunately the logistics wouldn't work out. Lol.
@BeAware I mean, there's ways to do that lol
@BeAware I mean, there's ways to do that lol
@Thatmermaid_J hmmm...I'd have to learn more.
I remember streaming movies on discord every now and then. Is that what you mean?
@Thatmermaid_J hmmm...I'd have to learn more.
I remember streaming movies on discord every now and then. Is that what you mean?
@BeAware Yeah lol
@BeAware Yeah lol
@Thatmermaid_J actually if I had a few more days to get this damn COVID out of my system, I'd be down.
This crap is kicking my ass.